New Balance Sneak Preview 2015


New Balance Canada was giving the media a sneak preview of what’s coming for its brand in 2015 at Madonna’s very own Hard Candy Fitness Toronto. There were different types of shoes categories for die-hard runners, semi runners, normal runners or wannabe runners such as myself who just want to wear stylish kicks on the red carpet (LOL).

Other than kicks, there were apparels for men and women. New Balance staff introduced us the latest kicks design, materials and the technology that were being applied in various types of shoes. All these improved elements provided the right balance for their customers who are looking for a balance of style, comfort, foot protection and usability.


What I love New Balance most are the choices of funky colours which you know by now that MoVernie is really out there, who ain’t afraid to wear something that stands out. There are so many choices and so many nice kicks that it will be tough for me to narrow to just one. Tough choices! Be sure to check out the New Balance Canada website here to purchase the apparel and kicks that fits your needs and lifestyle!


Thank you to New Balance Canada & Strut Entertainment for having me at the #NBPreview2015!

Follow me on Instagram (@RealMoVernie) and Twitter (@MoVernie) for more awesome pictures and videos on my adventurous journey!


Check out more photos that I snapped at the New Balance Sneak Preview 2015 below!











Adelaide Club – Celebrating its 36th Anniversary


Yesterday, The Toronto Path (the biggest underground shopping community in the world), informed me of the Toronto Adelaide Club 36th Anniversary Party. So, I had decided to go check it out after work. Adelaide Club is located at the heart of the financial district, inside the First Canadian Place to be exact. It was established in 1978 and consistently provide a place for people to work out, plays various sporting activities and enjoying a nice lifestyle experience.

The moment I walked into the Adelaide Club,  I was greeted by the friendly front desk. Then I was greeted with a glass of champagne by the staff and slowly walked into the beautiful, modern and chic lounge. There was a nice long bar counter where you can enjoy a nice cocktail or beer with your friends. Big TV to enjoy a sports game as well.

The Adelaide Club’s 36th Anniversary had a party theme, which was a Night in Morocco. You could see the pink spot lights and beautiful decor around the lounge. Basketball court turned into a great buffet station. The area was so nicely decorated that you didn’t even know it was a basketball court in the first place. The food was catered by The Sultan’s Tent & Cafe Moroc. Lots of great Moroccan’s food items for us to enjoy and have a taste of the cultural food. The Sultan’s Tent is located at Front Street/Yonge intersection, which is close to the Sony Centre of Arts and the Bier Market, so the restaurant is quite close by the downtown core. I enjoyed my experience during Winterlicious at the Sultan’s Tent.

A Night in Morocco wouldn’t be the same without belly dancers would it? That’s right, the special entertainment feature were two beautiful dancers showcasing their belly flexibility and dance skills. It was a great show.

I met a number of great people who worked around my workplace and this lounge and party created a great opportunity for members to meet new people. Sometimes, people worked at different hours of the day so they may not be able to bump into the same groups of people. So, these type of themed parties are definitely a great idea for mix and mingle.

I was told by other members that these types of parties happened often throughout the year with different theme. With a Halloween party that went successfully last month. I look forward to meeting more great people and attending these great parties. Yesterday, I gave myself a day off to enjoy the delicious traditional Moroccan food and beer. But I promised myself that I will work extra harder on the treadmill the next time I am at the Adelaide Club.

Thanks to Toronto Path informative invite and thanks to the Adelaide Club for having me. I look forward to the next outing!

Click here to get more information about The Adelaide Club.

Like what you read? Follow me on MoVernie Lifestyle on the MOVE! And MoVernie is outta here!




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