New Balance Sneak Preview 2015


New Balance Canada was giving the media a sneak preview of what’s coming for its brand in 2015 at Madonna’s very own Hard Candy Fitness Toronto. There were different types of shoes categories for die-hard runners, semi runners, normal runners or wannabe runners such as myself who just want to wear stylish kicks on the red carpet (LOL).

Other than kicks, there were apparels for men and women. New Balance staff introduced us the latest kicks design, materials and the technology that were being applied in various types of shoes. All these improved elements provided the right balance for their customers who are looking for a balance of style, comfort, foot protection and usability.


What I love New Balance most are the choices of funky colours which you know by now that MoVernie is really out there, who ain’t afraid to wear something that stands out. There are so many choices and so many nice kicks that it will be tough for me to narrow to just one. Tough choices! Be sure to check out the New Balance Canada website here to purchase the apparel and kicks that fits your needs and lifestyle!


Thank you to New Balance Canada & Strut Entertainment for having me at the #NBPreview2015!

Follow me on Instagram (@RealMoVernie) and Twitter (@MoVernie) for more awesome pictures and videos on my adventurous journey!


Check out more photos that I snapped at the New Balance Sneak Preview 2015 below!











Want a Chance to Win a Messenger Bag? – Show your PRIDE!


As you know, MoVernie is always on the look out for hot spots to party. Great restaurants to eat! Great events to cover! But MoVernie is also constantly collaborate with great sponsors to create MoVernie Contests to giveaway great prizes and free stuff to his audience and followers!

Toronto World Pride Week 2014 is coming from June 20-29! MoVernie and PinkStix has decided to collaborate together to run a MoVernie Contest to giveaway 3 colourful messenger bags to 3 lucky winners!

PinkStix is an online fashion store that provides great accessories fashions for females from messenger bags, handbags, clutches, scraves, jewellery and much much more! PINKSTIX’s Mission Statement is to provide quality fashion items at accessible price-points, so any girl can be fabulous in any situation!

There are 3 ways you can have a chance to win a colourful messenger bag from PinkStix.


MoVernie Contest – Method 1: Enter contest via Facebook Group Page

Step 1: “LIKE” PinkStix Facebook Group Page. Click here to LIKE

Step 2: “LIKE” MoVernie Facebook Group Page. Click here to LIKE

Step 3: On the MoVernie Group Page, there will be a photo showing the colourful PinkStix, limited edition Pride Messenger Bag, “LIKE” that photo & using the comment section, tell us which colour you will choose if you are the winner of this messenger bag!


MoVernie Contest – Method 2: Enter contest via Twitter

Step 1: “Follow” @Pinksterella on Twitter.

Step 2: “Follow” @MoVernie on Twitter.

Step 3: Tweet to us & tell us what activity/event you look forward to check out at the Toronto World Pride 2014 (please include hashtag #MoVerniePrideContest)

For example, a tweet could be “I look forward to seeing Tegan & Sara perform at the World Pride Closing Ceremony #MoVerniePrideContest”


MoVernie Contest – Method 3: Enter contest via Instagram

Step 1: “Follow” @pinksterella on Instagram.

Step 2: “Follow” @RealMoVernie on Instagram.

Step 3: Tag a picture of your favourite Pride Week activity or related items and tag #MoVerniePrideContest


All 3 winners will be announced on Friday, June 27, 2014 @ 6pm (EST). So, follow us for updates and the winners announcement. Good Luck!

Fashion at the Sochi Opening Ceremony

New York Fashion Week is happening this week and next week. And….Sochi Winter Olympics is taking off as well. The opening ceremony just happened today in Russia and all countries wear various winter outfits to showcase their country colours, traditions and their historical heritage. It’s a great event to check out what each country has in store regarding their fashion.

Here are some of my choices for the best fashion at the 2014 Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony. I would like to dissect them into a few categories: 1) Best Fashion; 2) Not necessary stylish or fashionable but definitely makes a statement by standing out from the crowd & 3) Epic Fail:

Category A:) Best Fashion

1) Canada

Love the red pea-coat!


2) France


3) Netherland



Category B:) Not Necessary the best fashion but surely stands out and make a statement

1) USA

I don’t really like the design, it’s too busy and just feels like all logos are being brought by sponsors. Too many stars make me dizzy. However, I do like the material and the cardigan design. Honestly, if the design is more simple and less logos and less stars, I would really love this outfit.


2) Germany

What was the German thinking? These colours don’t reflect them but it does stand out.


3) Ukraine

I like the abstract patterns on the jacket.



Category C: Epic Fail (simply epic fail)

1) Ireland

They look like they are military. With all the terrorist threats against the Sochi Olympics, these are the last uniforms we want to see at a joyful game.


2) Bermuda

No excuse, it’s winter Olympics! Short pants? If some of these athletes really competing the winter sports with these short pants, I will let it slide, but no winter sports will allow you to wear short pants. Put it back in the closet and wait for the next Summer Olympics.
