Treasure Chest at Windsor Arms Hotel


Windsor Arms Hotel (Photo Credit: The Treasure Chest)

MoVernie is on the MOVE again! This time, he and his crew got invited to attend the grand opening of a vintage boutique called the “Treasure Chest” located inside the Windsor Arms Hotel. As we know, Windsor Arms Hotel is famous for its TIFF InStyle Celebrity party. It is also famous for its afternoon high tea, the nice restaurant called “The Living Room” that has a nice outdoor yard to enjoy a glass of wine during warm summer days. To add to this solid Windsor Arms community, located at the corner of the lobby is where the new Treasure Chest Boutique is located.


The Founder is a young entrepreneur named Samantha Michelle, who is the young heiress to the Windsor Arms Hotel as well. She is a multi-talented young lady who is an owner of this boutique store but also a talented DJ (I heard her spin her remixes outside the courtyard at Windsor’s Arm at one event and she definitely got talent). Samantha added her sense of personal style of vintage clothing from London, UK. Many of her treasures include beautiful winter jackets, dresses, sunglasses, jewellery, scarves, accessories and even ties and pins for men. Every piece of article were carefully chosen by Samantha when she was in London, UK and she carried them overseas by carrying over-sized luggage, all on her own. Everything that she does are very hands on.

The evening was filled with very stylish and fashionable peeps and the demographic covered all bases, from young to mid-age and elderly peeps. I think that’s the whole objective about this boutique, it wants every type of peeps to be able to find items that will fit their styles and images. Every item was unique and peeps can mix and match, creating a special fashion style to every individual.

Personally, I really like the boutique name. “Treasure Chest” has special pieces in them and it allows us to discover and explore them. As I explored around the boutique, there was one type of clothing that you will never find in this place, “no pants“. Samantha explained that pants are complicated and she prefers to stay out of it, which I agreed totally, pants are a different breed, they are in their own world.

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Lots of awesome food were served during this special evening. Pink champagne and white wine were served as well. One thing you will notice about this boutique the moment you walked into this place, there were tables and sofas located at the centre of the room. Then, there was another sofa located at one side of the wall. I have not seen many boutique stores that have that many furniture for you to sit and relax. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this boutique, I felt like home. It’s warm, cozy and just very inviting. I could see myself having a nice afternoon high tea right inside this boutique. LOL

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My “MoVernie MUST VISIT” spot in this boutique? You got to check out the ridiculous large change room at the back side of the boutique. Inside, you felt like a private room more than a change room. You could possibly have a girls night out, changing clothes with a few friends (if you don’t mind that) and just having a good time in there, mixing and matching outfits, while sipping a few glasses of champagne.  Amazing velvet purple sofas along with beautiful mirror did the trick in this room. I felt like a VIP, it’s like a private bottle service booth more than anything. I can even imagine myself singing karaoke in there. For any high-profile celebrity, I think that maybe a good comfort spot to mix and match clothing and accessories before heading out to a gala.

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The evening ended on a very touching note when Samantha made a speech to everyone that came out to support her new boutique. She was very gracious for the opportunity and she toasted to everyone. The speech was genuine and really came out of the bottom of her heart, that’s always the best about non-scripted speeches.

Until next time, MoVernie is outta here! Peace!
Follow me on Twitter @movernie
The Windsor Arms Hotel
18 St Thomas St.
Toronto, ON
M5S 3E7, Canada

Want a Chance to Win a Messenger Bag? – Show your PRIDE!


As you know, MoVernie is always on the look out for hot spots to party. Great restaurants to eat! Great events to cover! But MoVernie is also constantly collaborate with great sponsors to create MoVernie Contests to giveaway great prizes and free stuff to his audience and followers!

Toronto World Pride Week 2014 is coming from June 20-29! MoVernie and PinkStix has decided to collaborate together to run a MoVernie Contest to giveaway 3 colourful messenger bags to 3 lucky winners!

PinkStix is an online fashion store that provides great accessories fashions for females from messenger bags, handbags, clutches, scraves, jewellery and much much more! PINKSTIX’s Mission Statement is to provide quality fashion items at accessible price-points, so any girl can be fabulous in any situation!

There are 3 ways you can have a chance to win a colourful messenger bag from PinkStix.


MoVernie Contest – Method 1: Enter contest via Facebook Group Page

Step 1: “LIKE” PinkStix Facebook Group Page. Click here to LIKE

Step 2: “LIKE” MoVernie Facebook Group Page. Click here to LIKE

Step 3: On the MoVernie Group Page, there will be a photo showing the colourful PinkStix, limited edition Pride Messenger Bag, “LIKE” that photo & using the comment section, tell us which colour you will choose if you are the winner of this messenger bag!


MoVernie Contest – Method 2: Enter contest via Twitter

Step 1: “Follow” @Pinksterella on Twitter.

Step 2: “Follow” @MoVernie on Twitter.

Step 3: Tweet to us & tell us what activity/event you look forward to check out at the Toronto World Pride 2014 (please include hashtag #MoVerniePrideContest)

For example, a tweet could be “I look forward to seeing Tegan & Sara perform at the World Pride Closing Ceremony #MoVerniePrideContest”


MoVernie Contest – Method 3: Enter contest via Instagram

Step 1: “Follow” @pinksterella on Instagram.

Step 2: “Follow” @RealMoVernie on Instagram.

Step 3: Tag a picture of your favourite Pride Week activity or related items and tag #MoVerniePrideContest


All 3 winners will be announced on Friday, June 27, 2014 @ 6pm (EST). So, follow us for updates and the winners announcement. Good Luck!