motionball 2015 – Glitz & Graffiti Gala


motionball 2015 Glitz & Graffiti Gala happened last evening at the Liberty Grand. This marks its 14th annual charity event with the aim to raise funds and awareness for the Special Olympics Canada Foundation (SOCF). For those who have never been to the Liberty Grand, let me tell you, this venue is HUGE! And it’s also classy, elegant and grand. It has numerous number of large ball rooms with high ceilings and with some rooms even with the second level, overlooking the beautiful ground floor.

Walking into the Liberty Grand last night was like an adventure. And you know how much I like to explore, room after room, there was a different theme, different vibe as DJs played different type of music in each room. Just as I thought I had conquered checking out all the areas, I was dead wrong. There were more rooms at the end of the grand hall, with a long displays of memorabilia for people to bid for silent auction. Later in the night, an additional dance room was opened. No matter how many big rooms they had opened, each room were jam packed with people. That’s because there were at least over 2500 people in attendance in supporting the Special Olympics Canada Foundation. That my friend, it’s a rarity, 2500+ people jamming in the rooms having an entertaining night.


It was a great way to spend the evening with great food, open bar, live music and entertainment, mix and mingle with cool people. Keeping yourself warm from the cold winter outside. I have covered numerous big events and I know it’s only February 2015, but I can tell you, motionball is by far one of the best events of the year! It’s very well-organized, food was high quality (and you know how much I love to eat and know what is good shit!), the layout of the entire event was unbelievable.

If you are interested to find out more about motionball and who they are, their mission and more about the various activities/gala they provide, click here.

I recommend you to purchase tickets and come to the Motion Ball 2016! See you next year!

Meanwhile, check out the awesome pictures that I had snapped from last night’s motionball 2015.

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Kardinal Offishall’s “Free the City” Party in Support of Free The Children Charity


Kardinal Offishall is a talented artist but he is also a passionate person who has a BIG heart. He is always active around the city, always being supportive and attend numerous events. In particular, he wants to give back to the communities, he wants to make a difference around the world.

Although December is relatively a quiet month for special events but there is always one event that everyone looks forward to and it’s Kardinal Offishall’s annual Christmas Birthday Bash. Kardinal always celebrate his birthday by turning it’s bash into a meaningful charitable event.

This year’s event was no different, “Free the City” was the theme for Kardinal’s 15th annual party. It was held at Muzik Nightclub with Nelly Furtado as a co-host in support of the Free the Children charity. Last year, Kardinal travelled to Kenya to visit the Free the Children projects. Kardinal was touched by the amount of great work done by the Free the Children organization and was greatly inspired by his travels there. So, Kardinal’s had decided to dedicate his 15th annual Birthday Bash to raise funds to send 10 inner city youth from Canada to volunteer and help the Free the Children communities in Summer 2014.

Tickets were sold to the public to raise the funds. Silent auction was also setup at the birthday bash to raise money. Most importantly, a Live auction, conducted by Kardinal himself on the stage raised a substantial amount of funds as the winning bidder get to have an exclusive dinner with Kardinal, Nelly Furtado and Marc Kieburger, co-founder of the Free the Children charity.

A lot of celebrities and artists came out in the freezing weather to bring their warm hearts, showing their support to Kardinal’s passion for charity. In attendance, I saw Nelly Furtado, Maestro Fresh Wes, Karl Wolf, Shawn Desman, Stacey McKenzie, Lyriq Bent,  Trish, Zolo, S. Davis, Patricia Jaggernauth, Chris Strikes,  the Toronto Argo cheerleaders and many many more.

It was definitely a great night for a good cause! Kardinal is always entertaining and always make the event so fun!

If you want to know more about Free the Children Organization, click here.

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Check out the photos below.

Kardinal Offishall & Karl Wolf singing some cool tunes, entertaining the crowd

Kardinal Offishall & Karl Wolf singing some cool tunes, entertaining the crowd

Nelly Furtado gave an inspirational speech to the crowd

Nelly Furtado gave an inspirational speech to the crowd

MoVernie meets the creator of Free the Children, Marc Kielburger

MoVernie meets the creator of Free the Children, Marc Kielburger

A special Kardinal mini message video played during the event

A special Kardinal mini message video played during the event

Kardy addressing the crowd, thanking their support

Kardy addressing the crowd, thanking their support

Muzik NightClub

Muzik NightClub

Muzik Night Club has beautiful decor & grande VIP booths

Muzik Night Club has beautiful decor & grande VIP booths