Kia Gear Up: Day 2 – Challenge Course on Castelloli Circuit (Main Event)

Kia Gear Up

After a 7-minute bus ride, we had arrived to the other side of the Castelloli Circuit. The moment I got off, I could see the hardworking camera crew were busy setting up their drones at the top of the building. There were other directors and producers scouting the circuit and directed their staff the good spots to capture the moments.

Kia Gear Up

In front of me, I could see the start/finish line. The spot where I stood was the pit stop. Inside the garage, there were stools, tables, another pop up lounge and video game stations that were nicely setup by the Kia Gear Up team. Also, I saw two stylish modified Kia Pro_cee’d hatchbacks parked in front of the garage. As I chatted with one of the Kia staff and they told me the sporty Pro_cee’d is not available in the North America market. Instead, Pro_cee’d is the high end trim level version of the regular Cee’d hatchback sold in Europe. I guess in North America they had the Forte Koup so they may think it would be redundant if they import the Pro_cee’d. But honestly, I hope one day the Kia management would highly re-consider bringing in the Pro_cee’d, it’s a beautiful ride. After a nice short chat, I let the Kia staff get back to work. The Kia Gear Up Team had to inspect the modified Kia Pro_cee’d vehicles. As I glanced inside both vehicles, you could see the interiors were very bare. They stripped down the back seats and all the features that aren’t necessary in a racing vehicle to reduce weight. You could see the recaro racing seats were installed on both sides of the front seats. Racing seat belts were installed as well. Plus, a safety racing cage with fire extinguisher was found in the vehicle. At the end of the day, it’s nice to have fun and experience the speed of the Kia vehicles, but Kia puts everyone in safety first, that’s their top priority.

One of the executives gathered us around in circles and gave us a briefing on what to expect in the upcoming challenge exercises. So, all the Global Ambassadors simply were chilling in the garage and waited for their turn for various challenge exercises.

Kia Gear Up

Challenge #1: Professional Racing Drivers Stunt Show

To start off the circuit challenge exercise, Kia Gear Up team decided to warm us up with a Stunt Show Demonstration. Motor Racing Champion, Manfred Stohl and another Motor Racing Driver, Sandra Yelamos sat in the two Kia Pro_cee’ds and demonstrated to us their rally racing skills. The drifts and stunts that we often seen in movies were actually happening in front of our eyes. I love the engine sound, the speed, the drifting & the tire burning sounds added the adrenaline to my veins. My favourite part was when two cars were parked in spot #1 and #3 and the Kia Pro_cee’d drifted & slid into spot #2 (right in between car #1 and #3). That was spectacular!

Kia Gear Up

Challenge #2: Circuit Taxi Course

In order to ensure the Global Ambassadors were familiarize with the circuit course, each of us were assigned to sit in the passenger side of the race car and be driven by the Motor Racing Driver to go over the entire circuit. This challenge exercise allowed us to experience what a professional racing driver can do with the modified car under high speeds. At the same time, we got to familiarize with the circuit course.

When it was my turn, my heart started to pump a little bit. I sat in the passenger recaro racing seat. The seat provided lots of lumbar and lateral support. I felt the seat wrapped around my entire body to give me the most protection and comfort. Then, the Kia Gear Up staff slowly placed the seatbelts around me. The recaro seats didn’t use our normal 3-point side seatbelt. Instead, it had 2 seatbelts that secure my body in place. The driver smiled at me and asked if I was ready. “Hell ya, let’s do this!” Vroom! Vroom! We left the pit stop and onto race course. The first turn was ok, I could handle it as the car was still gaining up speed. But in turn 2 and 3, you could feel the high speed of the ride, the g-force was in effect. I could see the driver were busy shifting up & down through the turns. The apex section was fun and it was really cool, feeling the acceleration of the vehicle and what Kia engineering was capable of doing. I told myself I will follow the Kia Racing Team in the near future to see how they flare in the racing circuit. There were quite a number of twisty roads and turns at the Castelloli Circuit and after about 2 minutes, we were back into the pit stop for the next Ambassador.

It was definitely an amazing experience and I could tell you that I respect a race car driver alot. It’s definitely a sport as the driver has to be alert at all times and analyze their actions in high speed. Every decision can make or break the race car results or even their lives. The ride was definitely more fun than a roller coaster ride in a theme park.

Kia Gear Up

Challenge #3: Speed Racing Course

After every Global Ambassador took their turns sitting in the passenger seat, experiencing the high speed taxi style exercise, we were asked to take turns going through the speed course. This time, it’s our turn to be on the driver’s seat. My time has finally come! I got to drive this Kia Pro_cee’d! Again, the friendly Kia Gear Up Crew helped put the seat belts for me. Safety first! As everything was ready, off we go into the circuit. In my helmet, I could hear the instructions made by the professional driver. In real life, that’s how the rally team works, the engine and speed were so loud that they rely on the microphones to communicate with each other inside the car. The professional driver informed me what gear to shift when making the next turn, when to brake and when the turn was coming. He even informed me if the next turn was going to be a hard or a soft turn. At first, I was a bit skeptical pushing the limit of the car but as I got more comfortable shifting up & down through the course, I decided to push the pedal a little bit harder, just to experience what it was like to go through the turns at higher speed. The feeling was so refreshing. It was fun, moving in and out, left and right through the course. It was so satisfying!

Kia Gear Up

Finale: A Certificate of Completion

After every Ambassador had their little fun on the speed circuit, we were gathered again and the staff congratulated us for our job well done on all the challenges. At the same time, totally unexpected, they had prepared a Kia Gear Up Certificate of Completion for each of us. Everyone cheer for each other when our name was called. When I received mine, I could see my name, my country of origin as well as my race car driver picture (that was taken earlier during the day) on the certificate. This Certificate of Completion signified that we had gone through the various challenges and exercises throughout the entire Kia Gear Up Challenge.

Kia Gear Up

I found this Kia Gear Up Challenge very helpful and worthwhile because I was able to discover more about myself, push the limits under a safe and closed course environment to learn better driving skills. I got to do exercises that I normally wouldn’t have the chance to do it on our own. Also, we got to learn all the latest safety technologies that Kia vehicles had to offer. I would say, this Kia Gear Up Challenge is an once-in-a-lifetime experience for me that I will never forget. I know full well that not everyone has the opportunity to wear a racing outfit with the helmet & be able to drive a race car in a real circuit. That doesn’t come often. I would like to thank Kia Motors and Kia Canada for the kind hospitality and the precious opportunity to have me experience such an amazing Kia Gear Up Campaign.

Before we left for our bus, the entire Kia Gear Up Team, including the Global Ambassadors, Buddies, Executives went to the start/finish line to pose for group photos for a good memory.

Stay tuned for my next MoVernie BLOG as we headed back to the city of Barcelona to attend a nice restaurant for a “Life Talk” dinner at El Principal.

Follow my journey on Instagram (@RealMoVernie) and Twitter (@MoVernie) for more awesome pictures and videos.

And MoVernie is outta here!

Follow Kia Canada on Twitter – @KiaCanada

Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up

Kia Gear Up: Day 2 – My Personalized Kia Racing Outfit & Helmet

Kia Gear Up Challenge Course

After the fun Go-Kart experience and a lovely outdoor lunch, we got down to business with the “main event”, which was to test drive a modified Kia race car on the Castelloli Circuit. Before we hopped on the coach bus to get to the Castelloli Circuit, the Kia Gear Up Staff informed everyone to go inside the Kia Lounge. They said they had a surprise for us. As many peeps know, I love surprises!

After everyone found a spot to stand or sit, one of the Kia Motors Executive made an announcement and she told us that everyone will have a surprise gift box. After a minute or two, each buddy came out carrying a big Kia gift box. I wondered what’s inside? Silvio, my buddy came over and dropped off the box in front of me. He said “MoVernie, it’s a surprise for you! Open it!”

Kia Gear Up Challenge Course

So, I slowly opened the box and boom! The first thing I saw was a beautiful authentic, personalized Kia Gear Up Racing Outfit. It’s a very stylish racing outfit in Kia’s signature red & white colour. The texture on the racing outfit was comfortable but yet you could feel that the material were sturdy and durable. Nowadays, many peeps love to wear those onesie. The racing outfit was basically like a onesie. You had to stick your feet through the leg areas and then stick your arms into the arm area portion of the outfit. What impressed me the most? This was a personalized racing outfit with my name on it and more importantly, a Canada flag on it. I am a patriotic guy and I love my country. That moment when I saw the Canadian flag, I was proud and to be Canadian. Furthermore, ever since I was a kid, I always dream of being a race car driver. That dream never came but this Kia Gear Up racing outfit gave me a one-day experience to be a race driver on a real circuit. My dream came true!

Kia Gear Up Challenge Course

In addition to the Kia Gear Up racing outfit, there were a few Kia t-shirts and other goodies in the box. They were definitely great Kia Gear Up souvenirs. Just as I was super content on what I got, Silvio came back with another surprise! Kia Motors had also made personalized racing helmets for everyone! I had my own helmet with my name on it along with my beloved Canada flag! How cool? Kia Motors’ slogan “The Power to Surprise!” definitely delivered a surprise to everyone! It was a nice touch.

Kia Gear Up Challenge Course

Off we went to the locker room to change. Here was a cool MoVernie story to share. As I went into the locker room, I noticed there was a group of people that weren’t part of the Kia Gear Up Event. As I began to change my clothes, one of them grabbed my helmet and examined the Canadian flag and stuff. Then he said, “This is so cool, your uniform is so cool!” I said “Thanks! So…are you guys race car drivers, making your practice runs?” He said, “No! No! We are fire fighters, we come here to drive and learn to build endurance and work as a unit.” I said, “Wow! That’s interesting.”

Kia Gear Up

Another guy said “Do you want me to take photos of you with your outfit?” I said “Sure! Thank you so much!”

Just as I walked out of the locker room, we were asked to hop on the coach bus to get to the other side of the Castelloli Circuit for our Kia Gear Up Challenge. Stay tuned for my next MoVernie BLOG on my Kia Gear Up Challenge.

Follow my journey on Instagram (@RealMoVernie) and Twitter (@MoVernie) for more awesome pictures and videos.

And MoVernie is outta here!

Follow Kia Canada on Twitter – @KiaCanada

Kia Gear Up Challenge Course



Kia Gear Up Challenge Course

Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up

Kia Gear Up: Day 2 – Go Kart Fun at Castelloli Circuit

Kia Gear Up Go Kart

After sitting in the classroom for a Kia Gear Up Safety Seminar, the staff informed us that we will be having some warm-up driving fun at the Go-Kart Track that was located beside the Castelloli Circuit. I think the safety seminar was very useful as it allowed everyone to remember the importance of being safe on any race track when operating any vehicles. At the same time, visually, we got to familiarize each race track courses, so kudos to the Kia Motors Team for their preparation and putting safety first for everyone!

Then, we hopped on the coach bus. It was a short 7 minute ride to the Go Kart race track. Then, we took a short walk. It was a relaxing walk on a sunny morning with cool breeze. My favourite part of the walk was walking up and down the rolling hills and moving through a mini tunnel, you could hear the echo from our group of people.

Kia Gear Up Go Kart

Then, we had arrived at the Go Kart track. We were greeted by the staff and they informed us to grab a helmet for our safety on the race track. They also told us the proper way to choose the right helmet size for our head and how to properly tie it up. It’s important that our helmet were not loose or moving alot. Since I have a big head, I opted for a large size helmet. LOL

Kia Gear Up Go Kart

Then, the Kia Gear Up Global Ambassadors were asked to grab a Go Kart and sat in them. I chose my ride, which had a #8 on it. Since one of my favourite Raptors of all-time Jose Calderon is from Spain, I decided to choose #8 as my ride. Very thoughtful eh?

Kia Gear Up Go Kart

The staff told us to put safety first and get a feel of the track and be considerate of other people. But after a few laps, we could let loose and experience the speed on the track. The moment when the staff turned on the engine of my ride, off I went to the open track. I was super stoked because the last time I drove on a Go Kart was 10 years ago! Vroom! Vroom!

I could feel my adrenaline pumping through my veins as this Go Kart had a very powerful engine. Love the vibration the ride produced as I whipped through the track. The sound of the engine and the acceleration was exhilarating. Never underestimate the speed of these little Go Karts because it had no body frames and was in open air, it actually felt quicker than you were sitting in a car at higher speeds. It was definitely super fun driving around the track for at least an hour. I got to admit though, being a professional driver isn’t an easy task, it’s definitely a physical sports although many people debated and said it’s not. Let me tell you, your brain is processing at all times, analyzing at all times on the track in such high-speed, there isn’t much time to process, so your brain have to act quickly. Furthermore, you have to be physically ready to be able to drive in a long periods of time with high endurance. Professional racing is definitely a physical sports in my opinion.

Kia Gear Up Go Kart

After the Go Kart fun experience, I was soaking wet, it was hot out there and when you were wearing a helmet, sweat came out, but that’s ok, it was definitely a fun exercise before we get into real vehicles later in the day at the Castelloli Circuit. We hopped back to the coach bus and headed back to the training facility to grab some lunch before we go through our next exercise. Make sure you check out my next MoVernie BLOG as Kia Motors hired a personal chef and food truck to make delicious Spanish food on the spot for us at the track. Kia Motors surely took care of our tummy with amazing tasty food. Stay tuned!

Follow my journey on Instagram (@RealMoVernie) and Twitter (@MoVernie) for more awesome pictures and videos.

And MoVernie is outta here!

Follow Kia Canada on Twitter – @KiaCanada

Kia Gear Up Go Kart

Kia Gear Up Go Kart

Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up Kia Gear Up


Kia Gear Up Event in Barcelona, Spain – Day 5 (MoVernie FC Barcelona & Beach Tour)

The Kia Gear Up event is a 4 days, 3 nights trip to Barcelona, Spain, that consists lots of fun and adventurous activities for the global ambassadors to experience. On my Day 1 MoVernie BLOG, I have shared to you my first day tour around the city of Barcelona. On Day 2 of my MoVernie BLOG, we got to wear our personalized Kia Gear Up racing uniform & helmet. Day 3 is another special day, driving a Kia vehicle at different check points around the busy streets of Barcelona. It felt like “The Amazing Race” in Kia Edition. On Day 4, when the Kia GearUp Event was completed, I stayed for 2 more days to sightsee and toured around Barcelona a little bit more. And on Day 5, I decided to check out the famous football stadium called Camp Nou, home of the popular FC Barcelona team. Every day is special and different. Just like Kia’s slogan, “The Power to Surprise!”

Let me tell you a funny real story. A Twitter Follower knew I was flying to Barcelona for the Kia Gear Up Event. So he told me that I should visit Camp Nou. Quite honestly, I don’t know much about football in Europe, I only know a little bit about football during World Cup but they are represented by countries such as Team England, Team Spain, etc. I wouldn’t know the specific ball clubs. So, I asked my follower, “Why would I want to visit a camp site?”. He was laughing so hard on Twitter and replied “It’s not a camp site, it’s the home of the FC Barcelona, peeps go crazy about this team. It’s only called “Camp Nou”. It was a memorable tweet conversation indeed. And off I went on my last day of this Barcelona trip to Camp Nou and trust me, this Camp Nou experience didn’t disappoint.

Check out the photos below to see what I did during Day 5 of this Kia Gear Up Journey.

By sharing the photos and captions, I hope everyone can get a sense of what’s it like at the Kia Gear Up event and feel as if you are participating the fun activities with me 🙂

Follow me on Instagram (@RealMoVernie) and Twitter (@MoVernie) for more awesome pictures and videos on my MoVernie Journey!

Hotel Curious Massage

At the Hotel Curious, the hotel that I stayed, they also provide massages. I got one and it’s $50 Euro for an hour of service, which I think it’s a great deal.

Liceu Metro Subway Station

After the massage, I took the Metro to go to Camp Nou, home of the football club FC Barcelona. This station is called “Liceu”. It’s quite beautiful.

Camp Nou FC Barcelona

Me posing in front of the Camp Nou building, home of the storied franchise, “FC Barcelona”

Camp Nou

Close up of the Camp Nou building


Trophies and Championships

FC Barcelona has been around for a long time. Full of history and the team won so many trophies through it’s many glorious years.

FC Barcelona

The view of the football field from inside.

FC Barcelona

Me posing inside one of the Executive rooms inside the FC Barcelona building

Camp Nou Experience

Me posing on the football field level inside the FC Barcelona Football Stadium

FC Barcelona Team Store

FC Barcelona Team Store

Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi

Meeting new friends in Barcelona

Meeting up some new friends that I met via a mutual buddy. Meet Jeff & Anna. Both awesome people and made me felt very welcome in Barcelona.

Salmon lunch

I ordered a very nice, tender and fresh salmon.

Stiges beaches

My new friends Jeff and Anna suggested me to take a 20 minute train ride to go to this beautiful area called “Sitges” because it has nice beaches. So I did and purchased a ticket to explore!

Train Station in Barcelona

Waiting for the train to arrive.

Sitges beaches

My friends were right! Only 20 minutes of train ride away, I felt like I was in a different city. Sitges was gorgeous and it’s slower pace, as compared to the busy downtown Barcelona. Look how beautiful the historic buildings were in Sitges.

Sitges beaches in Barcelona, Spain

This place was super beautiful!

Artwork and exhibits

Artistic work were evident around Sitges.


What a relaxing area! I was glad that I made the trip to Sitges. I thank my new friends for the kind recommendations.

La Rambla

In the evening, after I walked out of my Hotel Curious, walked a block to La Rambla. I saw lots of police officers and barricades. I wasn’t sure what’s going on, so I went and explore. It was a large crowd of happy FC Barcelona fans celebrating their beloved team for winning the division title.

FC Barcelona Celebration

Can you imagine this? I visited the Camp Nou football stadium in the morning and now celebrating with the fans. What an experience!

Championship for the FC Barcelona

Happy awesome fans of the FC Barcelona!

Barcelona Airport

Rise n shine! After partying on the street of La Rambla, it’s time to say good bye and head back to Toronto, Canada!


Taking off. Bye bye Barcelona! I will miss you but I will definitely come back! It’s my favourite city that I had visited so far.

Thank you Kia Motors and Kia Canada.

Special thank you to Kia Motors and Kia Canada for having me attending this EPIC Lifetime Trip to Barcelona, Spain. I am proud representing Kia Canada as it’s Brand Ambassador for this Kia Gear Up Event.