MoVernie vs Food – Amsterdam BrewHouse

I am a big fan of local breweries because I like to support local companies and I think they make great beer. So, I am always happy to see local breweries such as SteamWhistle, Mill St., Amersterdam are doing well and continue to grow and expand.

Amsterdam Brewery was always one of my favourite beer, it was once located at the old Bathurst & Lake Shore West location. But that warehouse location is now long gone, giving way to the ever new condo buildings that are dominating the downtown core.

Nevertheless, Amsterdam Brewery found a new venue location, which is even better and closer to the crowd. The new venue was opened recently on Canada Day, located at 245 Queens Quay West. Located close to the HarbourFront Centre and it stands close to the  nice Lake Ontario view. The moment you walked in, there are cool displays and exhibits everywhere that makes this place every bits of what a beer brewery looks like. It has 2-level of sitting areas, providing more space to accommadate more patrons. In particular, I really like the bar area. It has high bar stools to watch the big television screen. You can also view all the happenings in the long bar area and a long list of beer kegs ready for you to try. Most importantly, I can see the busy action of the semi-open kitchen area. They have a nice art piece that is made of beer lids, it’s quite cool.

In the old Amsterdam location, all we can do is buy cases of beer and there aren’t really any sitting area and there are no food menu. With the new location, food items are provided and the best part of the menu? They provide recommendations of the pairings of their own beer with the food items. It’s always great when you can pair the food items with the beer that they think will bring the best out of our taste buds.

We ordered a variety of Amsterdam beer for this night. We also ordered a pound of chicken wings in apple butter BBQ. Trust me, the sauce on the wings gave it an unique taste that is quite different from other restaurants. We also ordered scotch egg (see photo), which is house beerwurst sausage wrapped with a boiled egg. It’s quite an interesting food item, I must say.

I think it’s a great venue to host all kinds of parties. It is also a great team bonding activity for friends or co-workers to take a tour of the brewery and then finish it off with a nice dinner gathering with ice cold fresh beer and unique food items. I heard from our server that there is also a nice rooftop terrace area and a patio area. Unfortunately, last night, it was raining, so I hope to be invited for a tour or come back at another sunny day to check this place again. Overall, this will be one of my favourite new hotspots in town to enjoy fresh beer and hanging out with friends.

Click here to check out the Amsterdam website and details about their brewery tour schedules.

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Welcome to Amsterdam BrewHouse

Welcome to Amsterdam BrewHouse, 245 Queens Quay West

Scotch Egg
Scotch Egg